Lesson #13 -- Watching the Trends

Please read chapter 17, "Mission Trends and Paradigm Shifts" (pp 265-279 in the print edition, Kindle locations 6961-7598), in the textbook. 

I would like you to post some comments on the bottom of this page (scroll down to where it says "Enter your comment"). State what you consider to be the most significant change that is occurring in the world of missions. Explain your thinking. Interact with the reading. 

You can earn up to 15 points for your comment. You can earn an additional 15 points by commenting on the comments that other students post -- asking questions or making additional observations about what they have written. This means that you may have to return to this page several times over several weeks in order to complete the assignment. Make sure that it is obvious to me who you are, so that I can assign the points.


  1. I think the internet and radio broadcasts, such as TWR, are the most significant change in world missions. Included in this, are television, GPS, cellphones, and other technological advancements (Location 7151). I believe this because anyone who wants to learn more about Christianity can access great resources on the internet, such as sermons on YouTube. John Piper, John Macarthur, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, the apologetics teams (Ravi Zacharias), all are on the internet or YouTube. This allows anyone with curiosity or desire to seek for God to find the special revelation that God speaks through. Everyone with the internet can stand condemned before God if they never sought the knowledge of God because if they did not choose to find more information on Jesus through the internet (which is right in front of them), they ultimately did not choose to believe in God or do anything about it. Those who live in 3rd world countries without any internet, may have an excuse for never hearing about God and receiving special revelation; thus, it is these people we need to reach, not 1st world countries - even Japan. This may be narrow minded, and thus I’ll say that Christianity spreads through relationships more often than just raw information, but the question is whether Special Revelation is available or not - and on Judgement Day people will have to say “I sought revelation” or “I didn’t seek it.” I think that the internet and radio broadcasts reach people who may never else have a chance to be reached. TWR sends wonderful broadcasts that can save whoever listens with the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

    1. wow, this is a great answer. I agree to Dennis answer, because now were in a pandemic where churches are close we can not gather and do our worship or Sunday service now
      we use technology to do worship service.

    2. Definitely true regarding the sermons on Youtube. I am also an avid follower of John Macarthur. Most of his teachings and sermons are Biblically based.

  2. I think technological advancements was one of the significant change in world mission. Today people who don't know or hear about the gospel of God but they spend most of their time on social media they ended up hearing the word through Facebook, twitter, YouTube, and etc. Technology is also a way for people to hear the gospel and also spreading the message of God. For example, this year 2020 were in a situation that we can not able to gather together as Christian and do fellowship or do worship service, but we can still communicate by doing our Sunday service by using technology. some people share their testimony that they know the Lord through social media by listening to some Christian that preaching using Facebook or YouTube. Technology is one of the most change significant mission to the new generation that spend time on social media.

    1. I agree. The Gospel is almost accessible anywhere because of the internet and technology. And even simply scrolling through facebook, you do come across some good preachers out there.

    2. I agree with you. I think that with Covid, churches were able to reach out more to people. During that time, people were reaching out and searching for answers and hope.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm going to agree with the two comments up above about how technology have become the new normal as the significant changes in the world mission. After the Pandemic it had been very hard to associate among large group especially for Sunday service and Bible study. We've had to go through Zoom meetings to attend Sunday services and Facebook to watch live sermons from around the world. There is also an app on your cellphone called Holy Bible and it has plans where you can read the Word of God and do devotions on the plans that they share. These are just some examples of what the technology has become part of the world mission. In a way its very helpful because it's the new way of communicating to the world from near and far and its what these new generation do as they spend more time on technology.

    1. Thank you, Ginger Enlet, for adding your comments.

  5. The radio is part technology so my answer is no different from the previous ones. I am pretty sure that there were radios in the past that people may have use to podcast God’s word. Growing up, I use to go to TWR in Merizo on Guam with my friends/ youth leaders who would show me the really cool and big machines that they use to share Gods word to the people who are not able to gather around or to have church. Technology has been the biggest change in the world of missions today because people easily connect via emails or messenger and have online meetings or service in zooms or google meets. But for the radios other countries still use them today to get Gods words across the world and for others to hear the word of God.

    1. Thanks, Matty, for your contribution. Yes, radio is important.


    2. I like your post. I have not looked at it from that point of view. Other countries might not have access to online technology but they might have access to a radio than anything. Good post.

  6. We are living in the era of social networking and even now with this pandemic, almost everything you do, has to do with technology. When Guam was on lock down, and social gatherings were not allowed, Church services commenced using technology, whether it was live streamed on facebook, or through zoom and all the other cool stuff. My church had service on zoom, and something that was different about it was that relatives from all around the world were able to worship with us. Now, that wouldn't have been able to happen if we did not have technology. Now you are able to reach out to people all across the world through phone call, emails, texts. And as many of my classmates here have brought up, there are good preachers preaching on Youtube, there is the radio broadcasting at TWR, there is just so many ways that the Message can be out there.

    1. Kate Carmona:
      I agree that there are so many platforms and variety to be able to communicate throughout the world. It must have been extremely hard for those who were not able to use this technology rather it be skill or lack of resources.

    2. While I agree that technology has brought about great things, I still think it is very important that it is not our only means of reaching others. We still need those real face-to-face connections and not let technology keep us from getting out and meeting others that we might otherwise not get to because they have no connections to us online. Also, the ones that might need reaching the most are probably not using technology to study the Word of God. They need to be reached personally and then can continue to learn and grow using technology if they choose to do so.

  7. I'm posting this on behalf of Candice Chapman:
    I think technology is the most significant change that is occurring in world missions. There have been major improvements with technology over the years, many many things have changed from back then to all the way to now. There are still tons of things in this world still changing, technology wise. For example, we now have Facebook, YouTube and many other social media sites. Youtube is a big improvement, because back then if you wanted to hear a sermon, you would actually have to show up and hear it, because they didn't have the technology for you to just sit at home and watch it on YouTube. However, nowadays if you are sick or wanting to stay home, but still want to listen to a sermon ,you can easily get on YouTube and find whatever sermon you want to listen to.

    1. I agree with your post, Candice. I too, believe that technology has opened up so much change in regards to World Missions. We can virtually connect with almost anyone, anywhere in the world.

    2. Response to Candice Chapman - October 30th, 2021 – 12:11 p.m.
      I do agree with you. Back in the day, it was hard to hear a sermon if you were not in church. Today, people have a different option. They have the opportunity to turn on YouTube and go to the churches website and see it. I do agree that technology has been improvements in technology. Good post.

  8. I feel that the types of media available has widened and allows us many avenues in which to reach others with the truth. The improvement in technology not only brings sound, but can bring visuals, too. Evangelism across the seas is at our fingertips at any moment of the day, not only to speak to others about God's goodness, but also for our own nurishment and growth.

    1. Hi Melissa, how specifically do you see technology being used for the good in evangelizing and mission work? To me I think of wowing them with videos and music but how do you use technology in the beginning steps? Robin

  9. Since we live in the world of social media missions to me can now look very different. I believe now missionaries really don't have to leave the country or their home when they have zoom. With that being said there is also countries that don't have internet. I guess it really depends.

  10. I think the biggest paradigm shift in the world of missions would be technology. I know many people have chosen this to be the biggest, but the reason I say it was during the pandemic lockdown here in America churches were closed. However, most churches like the one that I attend were broadcasting their sermons online to still get the message out to their members. My church has a small little church in Antigua, Guatemala, even though we were locked down as a world the message was still flowing through the internet. "Our children already can't imagine a life without social media, live video chat, on-demand video, and massive online gaming." (Moreau et al., 2004) We have developed new ways to take in information, technology is available to most of the world. I mean, I am taking this course online remote from the comfort of my house, it's convenient that I don't have to get up get ready to report to a classroom. I could imagine most Christians feel this way about receiving God's word, whether that be through television or the web.

    Moreau, et. al. (2004). Introducing World Mission. Grand Rapids. Baker Academic. 2004.

  11. Kate Carmona:
    Technology has advanced to where it is helping world missions grow. We are now able to share stories faster to an audience, speak to loved ones, and gain insight.
    Technology allows us to speak to loved ones by video-chat either by cell-phone or by a computer. International calling is expensive, and emails are usually the best option. Internet use may be limited due to the home country. Recording videos and taking photos allows us to share our journey of being involved within a mission trip. We can share this to a large audience to hopefully seek those interested in joining. This also provides others with insight on a country and their culture. This helps aide someone in making decisions on visiting a country by environmental factors and cultural factors to prevent culture shock and what the appropriate norms are. We have more resources rather than just our church we attend. There are many non-profits that complete mission trips and if we did not have the internet for this information, we would be very limited. As well as not being able to research the country and work compared to seeing first hand experience stories. Listening to pod-casts and online church streaming is great to learn how to listen, and to accept leadership.

    1. Definitely agree with the fact that we can get insights on a country and their culture. Thus, preventing the initial stages a missionary undoubtedly goes through regarding culture shocks.

    2. Everything you have mentioned about technology is so true. There is so much spiritual enrichment that we can achieve using different platforms on the computer or other devices. The problem has been, I think, in the hands that we have put them. Technology has broken both cultural and communication barriers and has come to stay, so we would be the ones who would have to update ourselves one step at a time to be more effective in its use because as you mentioned we must be careful and have extensive knowledge about of the culture because we do not know how the people of this would behave when seeing all this innovation suddenly.

      I like this commandment that I took from the "Ten Commandments" for Short-Term Missions Trip Participants. Taken from our chapter 17. Thou shalt be careful to respect the doctrinal and theological views of the project which thou visitest. (Culbertson 2001) We have to have respect for others but above all, a lot of consideration and try to teach them everything new step by step and know their background well before doing this.

  12. Although I am echoing the majority of everyone's sentiments regarding this, it is nonetheless true in most aspects of the World of Missions. In this stage of the world where everything is based on the advances of Technology, it will obviously have tremendous effect on how we conduct missions. For one, the necessary initial stages of research and preparation can now be easily accomplished through the internet (websites, Youtube, Social media, message apps, etc.). Back then, I can only imagine how long it might have taken someone interested in becoming a missionary to go through the traditional methods of research, selecting a sponsor, training, and finally departure to the mission field. Whereas today, most everything on the to-do list can be done via the internet and various apps. Research and selecting a Sponsor Agency can be done online and selected apps. Training can be done via online videos, youtube, social media, etc. After selecting where to go, communications with target people group or community is also done expediently via internet and messaging apps. In a fraction of the time it took before, missionaries can be up and ready to go serve in anywhere in the world. Moreover, we are in a worldwide Covid Virus Pandemic which basically restricts people to their homes and/or certain locations. This makes it even more easily accomplished due to the fact that most everyone is online and easily reachable via the internet.

    While advances in Technology may be an advantage to the World of Missions, missionaries need to be careful not to rush the process. A missionary needs to commit themselves to the Lord’s will and not forget that this is God’s plan overall and we are just a partner in this endeavor. Also to take time and learn the culture and traditions of the intended target group of people or community. In some cultures, it can be detrimental to make simple mistakes, even out of ignorance. It can cause distrust and make it all the more difficult to share the Gospel. The more we are prepared and adhere to being led by the Spirit, the more our chances of success.

    1. Yes, the technology can sometimes tempt us to take short-cuts and not learn the culture as well as we should. There is a saying in some eastern cultures, "You have to drink a thousand cups of tea before you do business." We might translate that as "You have to sit with people and share a thousand cups of tea together before you begin to explain the gospel." It's hard to drink tea over the internet. You can develop some aspects of the relationship but it's not the same as simply sitting and being with people.

    2. Hi Jesse, I agree that those training for a mission trip need to slow down. I think when we say the internet we need to be cautious about where we are getting our information. Not everything on the internet is true nor is it accurate.

    3. I agree that technology should be taken with stride and used properly or it can hinder the mission work. Technology is great, but should not replace real life interactions.

    4. Technology is a great tool, it allows you to reach place otherwise unreachable. It allows exploration on the go. For example, I use my bible app on the go. That is a great achievement with technology.

  13. I do think the biggest change in world missions today is the lack of long term missionaries. The textbook explained more and more people from North America are doing short missions and not are turning into long term missionary work. I agree with the textbook with our American society, we have so many distractions and we feel as if we have less time or we have so many other financial commitments it isn't feasible to take the leap from short to career missionary.

    1. I agree with you, I think that all humanity and the system have focused more on individualism and that is why there is less and less commitment. For example, I would choose the short-term missionary for my family because going in a mission with your family is more expensive according to the chapter we just read.

      In effect, North American Christians are seeing the retirement of a generation that was more financially committed and the subsequent transfer of wealth to a generation known for its greed rather than its generosity, to be followed by a generation of nonchurchgoers. (World Missions, pg. 269) Sadly, perhaps this is a consequence of parents not raising awareness, among our children about these needs.

  14. While I agree with most of the others that technology has made a definite change in the world of missions, I also think that technology can be a negative. We must not become so comfortable and dependent on technology that we forget, or don't try to get out and make new connections and enjoy face-to-face company. We are seeing the effects on our youngest students who have not been able to have that same social interaction as a result of Covid and having to avoid social gatherings. While there are a tremendous amount of benefits from technology, it should be used wisely and properly and not as a crutch or replacement for real connections with those that we are trying to reach.

    I think financing is a significant issue when it comes to the world of missions today. The economy is suffering in many places because of the pandemic and people have had to make hard financial decisions and scale back on expenses. To some this might mean that they lost the funding for mission work or the funding is not enough to cover expenses as a result of the fluctuation in cost of living amounts. I also think with things still a little uncertain that those that used to donate and volunteer for these causes might not be able to comfortably give as much at this time as they have learned that things can change at any time and they might need to keep those funds set aside for emergencies. It is also important to note the saddening reality that our text mentions, "it seems that God's people increasingly love the world and seek its approval more than they love and seek the approval of the savior." So even when the funds are available, they might not be going towards the appropriate cause.

    -Melissa Venable

    1. I agree with your comments. Technology has come to innovate how we do many things. I think it has taken us away from the center of our purpose. We were created to love, and our actions increasingly demonstrate an absence of God by not going out to evangelize. By not going out and being part of some missionary ministry to support those most in need. I believe that there are not more Americans helping in these discipleships, according to chapter 17, Missions Trends and Paradigm Shifts, because they have not had to go through as many pangs of hunger and needs as people from other cultures. To help, you have to identify with the need, and Americans, to be honest, have everything at their disposal because the type of government structure provides them with a lot of financial support. The focus should be to reintegrate, evangelize all these people who do not understand the need to finance and give for all these missions. I know this would be more difficult because now your mind and heart are busy with what you have in front of you, which is usually some electronic technology device.

  15. Something important that we could analyze is the physical exhaustion of both missionaries and charitable institutions that go out to help others around the world causing tension in the churches.

    The partnership would be my goal. When agencies and churches work together, not only in implementation but also in setting agendas in conjunction with believers in a region to accomplish things that none of them could achieve alone. (World Missions, pg 269)

    Short-term missions programs are here to stay, but we must act now using all the necessary approaches to be more effective and not be affected by how rapidly the world is evolving or being affected by social and cultural preferences.

    We must focus a little more on financing these missions so that they do not decline because when the economy goes down, there should still be missionaries around the world. For missions not to deteriorate, each person must grow in faith, knowing the Gospel, and have a conviction of repentance so that they experience a revival in Christ. So they can see the vision of the missions and contribute to it with love.

    More non-Americans are helping with missions than Americans. This may mean that the US agencies are abandoning long-standing indigenous church-planting principles in favor of skimming off the leadership cream from the indigenous churches. (World Missions, pg 271) We have witnessed a significant advancement in missionary service. We must stay engaged in supporting because the religious movement is coming together to understand the necessities of missions. This will affect everyone and benefit all.

    1. I agree that all of these are changes that have affected missions, and I liked that you used information from the text to try to solve, or offer insight into each of these issues, but, referring back to the professor's statement, which change do you think has had the biggest impact?

  16. The one change that has made a big difference in world mission is technology. Today, may people can just go on the internet and find out more about God. There are many ways that churches can upload their messages. Many can turn to social media such as Facebook to hear the message of God. That is just one from many options that people have. Those who do not have social media accounts can go to YouTube and watch a message or turn on a podcast and listen to one on the way to work or running errands. No matter what, there are places where one can go to hear the gospel. With technology, it has been one of the most fast changing difference today.

    1. It's interesting that when people talk about technology and mission they tend to home in on the communication of information. It's a way to hear the gospel. But if the gospel is primarily received by most people within the context of relationships, how does technology serve to develop the relationships which help people connect with Jesus?

  17. I think the most significant change in the world it technology growth and use. In schools, they are utilizing it as a tool and minimizing it as a distraction. In workplace, they are allowing it as a tool to work from home or attend meeting otherwise that they may not be able to attend. It fosters growth in learning and research. It is able to change by the day, as society changes. I think that holds so much potential.

    1. We are using it at school to translate and communicate with the diversity students attending our school. The parents of foreign countries are having a difficult time communicating with our staff, so we have turned to resources available to help with the language barriers.

  18. Antonia Espino

    Although technology has been the biggest change with availability of resources used to communicate and social media access, we do have to consider that the lack of relationship building can have an effect on us all. During COVID we learned that the 6foot distance and restricted gatherings took a toll on us. We could not have that personal touch of a hug or handshake we relied on the zoom meetings, google meets, and facetime to communicate with people. Some people had a hard time accepting this form of communication. Technology did help us keep in touch with each other and we are thankful to that, it also helps us learn new languages, interpret the bible and research other cultures to prepare us for local and abroad missionary work.

  19. From Griselda Ruiz: One of the most major changes in global mission, in my opinion, has been technical improvements. People who don't know or hear about the gospel of Jesus Christ yet spend a lot of time on social media end up hearing about it through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms. People can hear the gospel through technology, and it can also be used to convey the message of God. For example, in the year 2020, we may not be able to congregate as Christians for fellowship or worship services, but we may still communicate by using technology to conduct our Sunday service. Some people use social media to convey their testimony that they know the Lord through listening to Christian preachers on Facebook or YouTube. To the new generation who spends time on social media, technology is one of the most important missions.

  20. Our text mentioned many changes that have impacted the world of missions and those within it. The statement posed to us was to decide “what you consider to be the most significant change that is occurring in the world of missions.” I have read the above comments and see a common thread about technology, and while I see that technology has made a huge impact on missions, I personally do not think that is the most significant change. When it comes to significance, I think of something that has a deep rooted, lasting impression on something that affects not only the immediate area, in this case missions, but also other areas around it. With that in mind, after reading the text and thinking about what was asked, I personally chose what Moreau et. al. called the “scandal of the evangelical heart.”

    This is explained as a change in the heart of people (aimed towards Americans but can be true of any people) from a godly focus, seeking His approval to a worldly focus, seeking ‘the world’s’ approval. But it isn’t just focus and approval seeking, people are turning their love, loyalty, and faith toward the world and worldly things, “seeking personal peace and affluence above God’s glory.” This change of heart is what is causing many of the other changes that were talked about in the chapter; for example, the issue with funding because of the shift in generations. The older generation that was generous, faithful, and committed is retiring and passing the responsibility of missions to the younger generation that is greedy and full of nonchurchgoers. The change of heart can also be associated with the shift in loyalty and support of agencies to a preference for choice and personal relationships; and to the shift in number of American vs non-American missionaries working for US based mission agencies. This change has the most significant impact on missions because mission is all about people, and when the heart changes away from mission, we lose the manpower, the financial support, the prayers, the mentors, the teachers, and everyone else needed to keep missions going. If the heart isn’t in it, nothing else will be either.

    1. Amanda, I love your insight, wisdom, and prioritization of relationships. Yes, there are not as many Americans attached to mission agencies. At the same time the number of missionaries being sent from the developing portions of the world is exploding. So, while there are challenges among the Americans I remain positive about the global expansion of the church. The work of the Spirit is like water running down a mountainside. If it hits an obstacle it simply shifts and generates a new channel.

  21. Posted on behalf of Amanda Wilson:

    While I agree with the other replies that technology is a major change in missions, I think that if we’re looking at the past 5-10 years, that has not been the most significant change. There is a new era. The world of missions is changing from the traditional sending of missionaries from the West to go on long-term assignments to a more global sending of missionaries and the trips are trending to short-term mission trips instead of long-term commitments. Our world is changing so rapidly, and while technology assists with the rapid change, people are migrating from place to place more frequently than ever before. This is challenging for missionaries for a few reasons. One reason is with the rise of migration, missionaries will encounter a “radically diverse audience,” as stated in the book (A. Scott Moreau [2004] 2015). In addition, to a more diverse audience, Christianity has shifted “from the Global North to the Global South” (Zurlo, Johnson, and Crossing 2019). And finally our-post covid world has made travel and long-term stays more difficult to navigate. These are reasons I believe that the traditional long-term missions have changed into the “phenomenon” of “micro-missions” trips that we encounter today (A. Scott Moreau [2004] 2015).

    A. Scott Moreau. 2015. INTRODUCING WORLD MISSIONS : A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey. Second Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. (Orig. pub. 2004.).

    Zurlo, Gina A., Todd M. Johnson, and Peter F. Crossing. 2019. “World Christianity and Mission 2020: Ongoing Shift to the Global South.” International Bulletin of Mission Research 44, no. 1 (October): 8–19. https://doi.org/10.1177/2396939319880074.

    1. Some of the change is that the world is shrinking. But it goes both ways. People from the West are also leaving their native countries to take up residency in other countries. (For example, retirees, tired of the political scene in the US, and the high cost of living, are moving to places like Spain, Portugal, and Panama. And what about all the American tech workers who have relocated to work remotely from less expensive countries?) Are these not potential missionaries? The shift is greater than a move from long-term to short-term missionaries.
